Visiting Caromb
Caromb wasn’t on the top of my list of places to visit in France, yet it exceeded my expectations. Where else would I have learned about Pipinettes?
I’ve made a concerted effort to meet fellow bloggers and tweeters who write about France. Hilda, a popular “tweeter”, came to Uzès for Saturday Market, followed by “Ginger and Nutmeg” of Perfectly Provence who came during the week for lunch. What fun it’s been to share our love of this crazy art form and technology with each other.
While Hilda and I were getting acquainted, she told me about her Swedish friend Carola, who lives in Caromb. She was determined that the two of us would meet, so Hilda invited me to drive to Caromb the next week to spend the day in the village where she and Carola live. Now that “Lucy” is at my disposal, I was raring to take her out for a spin in the French countryside.
Caromb is less than two hours away from Uzès. With a decent GPS, I would have met Carola and Hilda at the appointed time, mid-morning. I was late. Nevertheless, we had plenty of time to spend together at Carola’s beautiful home, enjoying the lovely terrace and garden, pastries from the nearby boulangerie, and figs straight from her trees.

I learned a lot that day in Caromb. First, I discovered something fascinating about the vine the French love to cover their terraces and walls. It’s Virginia Creeper. Yes, its the same vine found in the States — especially in the South — the one we hate!
Who knew it bore fruit?
Where I lived in South Carolina, we couldn’t rip it out fast enough. Here, Virginia Creeper is cultivated, trimmed, and admired for its fullness, shade, and fruit.

Next I learned that the plane trees of France, which I love so much, have branches that look like bamboo. I’m guessing that’s why the massive trees grow up strong enough to withstand winds like Le Mistral.

Of course, I learned a little about Caromb. I’ll have to come back again to really delve into the history of the once-fortified village that has fourteen fountains — one that originated in 1369 and is the oldest in France.
The Fountain du Portail du Rieu is the most popular fountain, built in 1379. It sits on the main road in the village in front of the Medieval entry.

Like other villages in this part of France, many of the streets in Caromb are narrow and the church is at the town’s center.

Caromb is on a low hill in the plains of the Ventoux mountains. Barroux is the village above Caromb where you can easily get a glimpse of the plain below — especially on such a clear day.

The village of Barroux is well maintained with very expensive housing and lovely views.

With all the newness of discovering Caromb and Barroux, the day was highlighted by learning about the “Pipinette,” the invention of my new friend, Carola.
Before you continue reading, please be warned that the subject matter is quite personal and may be too explicit for some to appreciate.
“Pipinette” is designed for exactly what the word implies: “When nature calls.” It was initially created for women, however, when it’s popularity in Sweden took off, men started asking for the product.

Why I used a dinner fork to relate the size of the Pipinette? It was the only thing around at the time.
According to Carola, the idea for the product came to her quite naturally: “I needed a potty at the summer house, on the boat, and while traveling, but I could only find large children’s potties to be placed on the floor.”

In addition to the “Pipinette Potty”, the product is also available in a “travel kit”. Developing the range of products, Carola worked in close cooperation with medical specialists, including urologists, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists.
The strikingly beautiful, tall, stately Swede with graying blonde hair tucked carefree under her tan straw hat is still excited about her invention. She gives a sales pitch without batting her sparkling blue eyes.
Pipinette has received awards for function and design in Sweden, Europe, the USA, and Japan. All products are environmentally friendly, designed, patent protected, or pending patents. They are sold in pharmacies, travel, and sports stores throughout Europe.

Here’s the “value add” to the Pipinette Travel Kit. It’s not just a ring with a plastic bag.
Each bag comes complete with a “magic pad.” The pad is filled with a “magic” powder that, when poured into “liquid,” becomes a solid.

For one, the Pipinette could not have been discovered at a better time! The “Pipinette Potty” and the “Pipinette Travel Kit” are hidden inside Lucy’s interior. I wish I had this on that white water rafting trip in Colorado, China, Africa … you name it.
Thanks, Carola and Hilda for a fun, event-filled day!