If you’re like me, finding my way around airports and train stations is sometimes tricky. Since I often take a train from Avignon to Charles de Gaulle in Paris, I jotted down directions and took a few photos to create a CDG Airport Photo Guide to help me learn and remember where to go.
This beginner’s level CDG airport guide may help you navigate. As they say in France, “bonne chance.”
CDG Airport Photo Guide
“Gare” = Train
The first thing for non-French speakers to know when looking for a train station is the word for “train station” in French. It’s “GARE. “If you plant that into your brain, you can read the signs.
Next, you should know that SNCF and TGV train lines run out of the same station at the CDG airport. They go from there to almost anywhere in Europe. Those acronyms should also go on file in your head because you must watch for them on the signs along the way.
International arrivals

The most important thing for you to remember is that the train station (GARE) is between Terminal 2 (A)(B)(C)(D) and Terminal 2 (E)(F).

Arriving at Terminal 2 A-F
You have it made. Head for GARE on “Niveau 2”.

Arriving at Terminal 1 or Terminal 3
If you arrive at Terminal 1 or Terminal 3, you have to take the shuttle from “Aeroport CDG 1” at Terminal 3 to “Aeroport CDG 2-TGV (see below)

Terminal 3 is one of the entrances to the shuttle. The sign is near a rack of baggage carts.
You have to go down an escalator here. (I hope you don’t have too many bags. I have no idea where there’s an elevator.)

After the Shuttle
When you exit the shuttle, signs for “Gare SNCF” will show you the way to the train station. This is a multi-level building. The station and trains are on the lower levels. See the map of CDG Terminal 2 and SCNF/TGV above.
Take a left when you pass Paul’s
If you have plenty of time and are hungry, stop and eat. There aren’t many choices for food beyond here.
Around the corner from Paul’s, you’ll see this vast board. Never mind it. Look for the nearest “down” elevator.
Downstairs looks like this.
If you’ve made it here, you’re almost there!
Look for the Departure and Arrival signs that list destinations in France and Europe. (Trains leave this station for your destination inside Paris, so be sure you’re looking at the correct sign.)
Have a seat and wait for 20 minutes until it’s time for your train. That’s when they post the platform where you board. If you don’t see the name of your destination right away, don’t worry. The train must appear on the board within 20 minutes from the terminal.
If you miss your train, like I did, you must look for the SNCF information office. It’s on this floor, and the entrance is well-marked. The information agents help with TGV, too. Be sure to grab a ticket when you walk in the door, or you’ll never be served. The line moves quicker than you think, so don’t take a ticket and walk out.
BUY INSURANCE – It’s really cheap to purchase trip insurance when you make your original purchase, especially when coming in from an international flight.
If you miss your train, you’ll get a full refund deposited into your bank. Unless you have lots of time at the station, don’t worry about getting a refund on the spot. The attendant at the information office will help you buy a new ticket, and you can get a refund from the insurance company for the missed train later. Ask for a duplicate of your new ticket so you can send it to the insurance company if they request it. You have five business days to file for a refund.

CDG Airport Photo Guide
How to find the right train car.
Since I make every mistake possible, I will assume you’re as uninformed as I am about trains and how to board them.
I’ve circled the train car and seat numbers on the ticket below. VOITURE = CAR # PLACE ASSISE = SEAT #
“Depart” and “Arriv” are self-explanatory — except remember you’re on a 24-hour clock!
All that’s left to know is the platform where you meet the train. You find that out from the board inside the terminal about 20 minutes before the train’s arrival. (See above.)
Assuming you’ve found the right platform, you’ll find electronic displays on the platform indicating where each train car will be located for boarding. You can use this chart to find the mark on the platform corresponding to the vehicle you would like to board. Don’t hesitate to ask another passenger or railway agent for help. Even if the person doesn’t speak English, you can show them the “car” and “seat” numbers on your ticket, and they’ll point the way.
CDG Airport Photo Guide
First class or second?
I like to pass on budget-conscious tips to others when I can. Having traveled in France by train, first and second class, I noticed a few distinct differences: crowds, space, and noise. Every time I’ve traveled first class, I’ve had a place that seats four all to myself. This time, in the second class, all four seats were filled. There were also lots of children and babies.
If you can deal with these differences, the cost of second-class vs. first-class is sometimes as much as half. They both arrived at the same place at the same time.

Hope this has been helpful.
For more information, this TGV post has more photos, videos, and explanations.
Here’s a post with tips for safe traveling through CDG for 60+ travelers
Stay tuned for more adventures traveling in France!
2 Responses
Where is train to go into the city? Is that RER?
Here’s information on trains that serve Uzès -https://barefootblogger.com/all-about-uzes-france/ – Let me know if you need more information. Thanks for following the BFB, Leonard. Hope to see you here!