The French love their fresh fruits and vegetables. That’s why there are farmers’ markets in France in nearly every town, once a week or more often. The village scene in Uzès includes our own green grocer.
In Uzes, there are market days on Wednesdays and Fridays. The green market of Jean Claude Gaiffier helps fill the fresh food gap between market days with local produce, epicurean items, and wines. The cheerful shop is open every day of the week.
Hometown Green Grocer
Gaiffier’s is located at an intersection of Uzes that leads into town. San Quentin la Poterie is down the road to the right, about 15 minutes away.

The food market is run by Mr. Gaiffier, who speaks only French, and his son Christophe, who speaks some English. Whenever I visit the shop several times a week, both Mr. Gaiffiers are happy to pick out the “perfect” cantaloupe for me. Often, there’s a fruit or vegetable I don’t recognize. They tell me the French name and sometimes share thoughts on its preparation.
Hometown Green Grocer
Mr. Gaiffier senior and I have an understanding about cantaloupes. I was told that the best cantaloupe is a “female.” When I asked Mr. Gaiffier how to tell the gender of the fruit, it took a long time for him to understand what I meant. “Femme” doesn’t make sense, somehow, when you’re describing a fruit. Finally, I picked up a few of the melons and showed him the difference in how the bottoms were put together. He got it. He goes straight for the ones without the bumps when I ask for a “good” melon.
Frankly, they’re all good!
Inside and out, there is a selection of colorful fruits and vegetables, sausages, dairy items, and lots of wine — most are locally grown and produced in our region.
Hometown Green Grocer
Here is a sampling of the produce available right now — only a short walk from where I live.
It’s like having a French farmers’ market at your doorstep daily.