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Barefoot Blogger

May in Uzès: Art, Food and Mustang Sally

Picture of Deborah Bine
Deborah Bine

The Barefoot Blogger

By the first of May in Uzès, it’s officially tourist season. The shops that closed for winter are open, and the town is becoming lively again with art shows and fun things to do.

Art, Food, and Mustang Sally

Last week, I was off to visit Geoffrey to resume our “play dates”—yes, he’s back!

An advertising flyer for2014-04-30 13.12.03 the opening of an art expo was stuck to the front door of his house. Fortunately, I noticed it because the exhibit was that day. Instead of going to dinner, as planned, we quickly attended the expo. First, there would be plenty of food and wine and, second, we would meet some new and old friends.

Geoffrey's door Uzes If I haven’t told you before, Uzès is for artists and those who love art of all kinds. There are numerous “pop-up” art galleries, and there are many exhibits.


May in Uzès

Geoffrey and I were among rooms full of guests at Gallery Indigo—some invited, others joined from off the street. Various yummy things were being served, including pizzas in small bites and seafood, cheese, and sausages in puffed pastries. A choice of red, white, and rose wines was waiting for guests to serve themselves.

Definitely not an art critic, yet I was … and still am intrigued by some of these paintings — especially the “portraits.”

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The faces are pretty compelling. Perhaps it’s their innocence shown in unexpected guises that draws me in.

Also displayed were larger paintings with totally different themes.

The “Crevettes” is the title of one of the series of paintings,  “Shrimp.”    


The "Crevettes" is the title of one of the series of paintings, ie: "Shrimp"    


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And ceramics

The artists are Francois Mandin, 100Drine, Dom Labreuil, and Cecile Constantin.

art in Uzès

 Lunch at Le Provencal

One of my favorite places for lunch in Uzes is Le Provencal. The cafe is on the main street, right across from the Cathedral.

My first visit to Le Provencal was the night of Beaujolais Nouveau. It seemed a bit “rough.” It’s pretty different during tourist season and warmer weather when you can be served outside. Definitely the best food I’ve eaten in town. In fact, I’m seriously considering having the “plat du jour” several times a week to treat myself … and to economize. A fabulous meal with fresh, local ingredients is prepared and served at a price that can’t be beaten. It’s less expensive and much more fun than grocery shopping and cooking.

Even the four-legged guests are charming.


My new devotion comes from my special treatment from Alex and Fabien, who work at Le Provencal.

One day, when I met Geoffrey and his new friend, Annabelle, for lunch at Le Provencal,  I drove Mustang Sally and parked her across the street.

Sally had just been picked up from her winter parking place and needed gas. In fact, she needed a bath, too. So after her bath, I was ready to fill her tank at Carrefour’s gas pump, I found the key for the gas lid wouldn’t work. Or at least it wouldn’t work for me.

Not wanting to break the key in the lock, I called Geoffrey — of course. He invited me to stop by Le Provencal for him to inspect the key to make sure it was the right one and to join them for dessert.

No sooner had I dipped my spoon into the heavenly île flottante (floating island—see below) than Alex and Fabien were yelling: “Geoffrey, the police are ticketing your car!” (in French.)

They left the restaurant and ran towards the police beside Mustang Sally. I jumped up and joined them to plead mercy with the gendarmes.

Fortunately, the officers were merciful, and I drove Sally away without a ticket.

Here’s what I missed!

île flottante
île flottante

… and on the opposite side of the table..a French take on Apple Pie … apples and cinnamon ice cream on a thin pastry.

French apple pie dessert
French apple pie dessert


Mustang Sally gets a make-over.

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