barefoot blogger moving to france
Barefoot BloggeR
Le Patio Littre, Nimes, France

A Fine Friendship, But No Romance

There’s an old song with the lyrics, “It’s a fine friendship, but no romance.” Or something like that. Maybe I’m making it up because Google’s never heard of it.

Nevertheless, it’s a good title for today’s post.

Whenever I say I’ve met a new male friend, my good buddies who read the blog get the idea that it must be a budding romance. This 6-week adventure to France and Spain is not intended to be a take-off on “Eat, Pray, Love.”  There’s been plenty of eating … and more to come. There’s been very little praying… although that’s bound to change tomorrow when I get out on the highway for the first time. And love? As trite as it sounds, I hope to learn to love myself.

There’s a quote in Kathryn Stockett’s book and movie, “The Help” that I want badly to internalize: “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” On this journey where I know no one, I don’t speak the language, and …I have a terrible sense of direction, I’m learning more and more to like myself. Now, back to food.

Today’s Best Bite

Aged cheese, cured saucisson, and mustard from the Aux Plaisirs des Halles, the indoor market in NimesFood in France

Aux Plaisirs des Halles
As you may recall, today was the appointed day to drive with Geoffrey to the nearby town of Nimes. Our primary purpose was to visit the indoor market and have lunch at one of his favorite cafes. He drove his well-worn Citroen and gave me driving lessons since I was to drive back.

In France, cars entering a roadway from the right have the right-of-way. You must observe because someone may pull out from an obscure side road and sideswipe you.

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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!

We arrived at the indoor marketplace just outside the center of Nimes. It is attached to a multi-level, modern shopping mall and parking garage. The area surrounding the shopping complex looks a lot like many other commercial downtown areas worldwide, with busy, narrow streets.

Aux Plaisirs des Halles reminded me of the City Market in Cleveland or other huge marketplaces where vendors have permanent stalls for their food items. (Sorry, no pictures. I was too busy buying the cheese and sausages shown in Today’s Best Bite.)

The market was closing since it was close to noon, so we stopped off for a quick flute of champagne at one bar, then onto dejeuner at Le Patio Littre.

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The afternoon’s chatter and stories from Geoffrey are in my head, waiting to be spilled into another day’s blog.

Stay tuned. Geoffrey’s loaned me his clunker car ’til Wednesday. Then I get his red Mustang with racing stripes. And to the story here? There is none. Geoffrey is happily engaged to a long-time girlfriend. Nevertheless, we’re looking forward to enjoying a fine friendship.


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