barefoot blogger moving to france
Barefoot BloggeR

Eiffel Tower in 8318 Steps

Day two of My Paris Dream was a walking day… to the Eiffel Tower in 8318 steps. Not only did I finish my exercise goal for the day, but I also arrived at one of Paris’ most iconic sites.


Unlike the day before, the sun was shining, and the temperature was tolerable— Fannie and I left the hotel in the late morning.

Petite déjeuner at Le Frégate

By the time we arrived along the right bank of the Seine, I had shed my puffy undervest, scarf, and hat. The Eddie Bauer raincoat I’ve had for at least 30 years was enough, considering we were in the sun.


Promises made…

Before I left the States, I promised my 5-year-old granddaughter I’d call her from the Eiffel Tower. She wanted to be there with me.

Little did I know that the promise would become a fun photo experience. I stopped, photographed my view, and sent it to my daughter-in-law to share with Emily and Andrew in real-time.

Eiffel Tower in 8318 Steps …and more

When I walked around the Eiffel Tower, it was after 3 pm. Fannie and I were famished. According to “Maps” on my iPhone, I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t stop at Le Beaujolais for lunch.

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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!

A great choice!

A taxi to the hotel was a welcomed pleasure, as well as the nap that followed. Later, all I needed was a quaint cafe, a dessert, wine … and a few more steps (11078 to be exact) … to call it a day.


Is that a smile? Oui!


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