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Emergency! I’ve done it again.

Picture of Deborah Bine
Deborah Bine

The Barefoot Blogger

I’ve done it again.
Another fall,

A broken arm.

I’ve managed to break my left arm for the second time. The first resulted from an ill-fated “dive” off my kitchen countertop in South Carolina.

For the record, I don’t do this for attention.

The day of the fall started out perfectly. I looked forward to a wine tasting with Nick Martin from A Wine Affair and some friends. We’d just finished a lovely lunch at Le Garage des Cévennes in Anduze, a funky place that feels more like Atlanta than the Cévennes. As we were leaving the restaurant, I quickly stopped at the restroom. That’s when it happened—I stumbled and fell on my left side, not noticing the small step up.


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Be prepared to fall in love with France all over again!

Odd timing

This week, I was interviewed for an article in the French news on an English online site, Connexion. I recounted the incident five years ago in France when I broke the right side of my body—shoulder, arm, and hip. Perhaps I made it all sound too easy—how new friends stepped in to help me. Maybe during that time, I made the experience seem like something I’d like to do again. Perhaps I should slow down when walking.

Bad timing

Timing, as they say, is everything, and mine couldn’t have been worse. It was a holiday week in France. With VE Day and Assumption Day back-to-back, everything shuts down. A visit to the hospital emergency room isn’t ideal at the best of times, let alone during a holiday.

Wouldn’t you know it? My friend captured the entire ordeal on camera.

Back home

Now I’m back home, sporting an arm brace and trying to stay positive. Fanny, my loyal companion, seems to sense my discomfort and has been extra attentive. Healing will take time, but I’m in good hands. As frustrating as it is to be injured again, I’m grateful for the support of friends and a good story to tell—one that I’ll hopefully not have to repeat.

 Read more about emergency medical care in France.

51 Responses

  1. Oh dear Deborah. I’m so sorry to read this. Stay positive, you’ve got this.
    Pam (Tallon)

  2. So sorry my Dear, I guess the Cirque de Soliel is out of the question. Take it easy and heal. I know you have great friends to take care of you.

  3. Oh my! Glad you had people to help…. I would have loved being your nurse again…not… except for the fun location!
    Be careful and heal well… hugs Lynn
    PS hood the wind was spectacular!!!

  4. Hello there dear Deborah,

    what a horrible experience you have had. I hope you get plenty of rest and make the best of things. And yes, we do have to slow down. It is a natural to continue to think we are so much younger. Sadly, we are not. That is just a fact.

    So, do practice mindfulness, wear good shoes and move slower.

    Sending LOVE and friendship, from Augsburg, Bavaria.

    Susanne Sanner

  5. OMGD Deb!!! That’s awful but I’m glad to hear that you have a lot of good help over there! I might need to come and stay with you while you recuperate! Fanny and I would be the best company for you! Thinking about you and sending hugs and wishing you a speedy recovery from Collingwood, Ontario Canada!

    1. So good to hear from you… I do wish you were here. What a great time we had last year. make plans!

  6. Deb, I am SO SORRY to hear this. I hope you recover quickly. I am glad it didn’t need surgery – so I guess that was some good news.
    Perhaps this gives you time to do more blogging….always love your insights and reading what you have to share!!
    Sending hugs and healing wishes, Phyllis Brock

    1. You are such an angel. Now I have time to blog, but only one hand to type! Thank you so much for your healing thoughts and good wishes. It makes a difference!

  7. Girlfriend!!!! What are we gonna do with you 🙂 Hope it’s an easy break to heal and that you are up and back at things soon. I do have to ask, are the paramedics as hot in France as they are here in the states??? If you answer yes, I will have figured out the reason for the falls 🙂 Just kidding…heal quickly Deb. Love you!!!

  8. Really??? REALLY, AGAIN?!?!?! And you just got back from your trip to the States?!? Maybe we should wrap you up and never let you leave us again! Glad you have so many great buddies in Uzès to take care of you! But I do miss you!

    1. If I could wrap you up and bring you here, that should work, too. Thanks for all the love, my friend.

  9. So sorry to hear this! I know it only takes a moment of inattention . One of my friends did exactly the same thing when out shopping a couple of months ago and the worst thing she found was her lack of freedom by being unable to drive. I hope Nurse Fanny is looking after you well and we are able to meet up when we are in Eygalieres. We arrive on July 12th and leave on 24th. Get well soon !
    Vivien xx

    1. Hi Vivian! Thank you so much for your note of encouragement. I need it! hopefully you’ll find your way to visit here when youre back in France. Safe travels to you!

  10. Oh Deb! So very sorry that those stupid little steps just poke out from nowhere to trip the unsuspecting visitor! I’m sure Fanny wants to comfort you and she’s there to make you smile! Wishing you an easy recovery!


    1. Fanny is on overdrive trying to keep me out of trouble. The problem is she’s deaf now… but still has eagle eyes to watch out for me. thank you for your kind thought and words here and on FB. Stay in touch!

  11. DEBORAH!!! Thinking of you and your trying to meet MORE of those handsome Les Pompiers??!! NOT a good way to do it though!! Remembering you falling during our trip with you in South of France…Take care of yourself!!!!
    Sally Masek

    1. It must be the pompiers who keep reminding me to fall again.. or just a bad memory for how to walk safely. This is getting to be boring. Thank you so much for remembering me a nd cheering me up. Hugs!

  12. Oh no!!!!!! Not again? Are you just such a fan of the fabulous French healthcare and those handsome attendants that you had to have another go at an accident? In all seriousness, take good care, follow advice, and let others lend a hand. I’ll be back in France in October, probably too late to be of any real assistance. Thinking of you! ❤️

  13. Oh Deb! So sorry this happened to you. Yes, maybe slow down when walking! But of course one does wonder if maybe it is the cute French EMTs that tempt you to keep doing this 😊! Seriously though, I wish you a very speedy recovery.
    It is no fun to be laid up with something like this. So glad you have help. Sending hugs and good wishes,
    Margaret Hamilton

    1. I really appreciate your message and well wishes. It’s a blessing to have such caring friends while I’m on the mend. Thank you for thinking of me!”

  14. Oh, Deb! So sorry to hear this news! 5 years since your last hospitalization! I remember you fell the first time just as I was moving to France…I wish you a speedy recovery, lots of solace from Fanny – and you know you have a host of people that are ready to help you!!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to check in on me. I truly value your friendship and support. Watch your step!

  15. Crickey Deborah! What a calamity! I hope you are having all the help you need. Laura and I send you our love and wish you a speedy recovery. Less wine may be the order of the day!

    1. You know, I’ve thought about giving up the wine, but it’s just not working! I need constant support with friends like you nearby. Hope you’ll be back soon?

  16. OMG Deb we are going to have to wrap you in bubble wrap! I am sorry to hear this but I know your healthcare in France is wonderful. Sending healing thoughts to you.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts and for wishing me a speedy recovery. It’s friends like you that make the ordeal seem easier.”

  17. Never. Good thing. How is your bone density? Calcium and Vit D . Sunshine is a good source of the Vit. D.
    No to countertop cirque de Soleil for you!

    1. Seems to run in the family— at least Mother and me. She could break a bone standing. Hopefully I’ll be more careful walking and slow down. Love to you and Jack

  18. Oh no! I’m so sorry. Hope you’re not in pain. At least it didn’t happen in the heat of full-on summer.

    1. Thank you for thinking of me and sending such positive energy my way. Hopefully it’ll keep me standing. Looking forward to seeing you soon?

  19. You are not fooling me Deb. You just want those adorable firemen back in your life ❤️
    Heal well my friend and start taking life just a little bit s l o w e r …………..Xo

    1. You know I’ve been scheming how to get the attention of the handsome pompiers. So far, this works! Take care and don’t copycat!

  20. I thought we agreed to stay up on our feet this year! Young lady if you don’t behave, you are going to have to come home! I’m sorry about this. I’m glad you’ve got your fur baby. See if you can stay out of trouble!
    Love, Sherry

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words and for checking up on me. Your support is appreciated!

  21. Debbieeeee, what the hell. Do you have any more bones to break? Do you need me to fly over ASAP to be your caretaker?
    Happy healing. Hope it is uneventful.

    1. Looks like I need help walking, for sure. You can come over for a lot of reasons! Keep in touch.

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