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Lost in Venice

Lost in Venice

It’s easy to be lost in Venice, a city of incomparable beauty and romance — a place where you’re just one of the millions of tourists who visit each year.

Yes, it’s easy to be lost in Venice. But I mean, I really lost. You don’t know where your traveling companion disappeared when you hopped on the vaporetto. Don’t you have the Airbnb address where you stayed or the key? And you don’t have a phone with cell service? It wasn’t part of my plan.

To be honest, I didn’t have a plan. A tour of Venice was my son’s idea. We were on our way to spend time with family in Tuscany. Even though Venice isn’t entirely on the way to Tuscany from France, he wanted to see the canal city “before it sinks.” (His words, not mine.)

I was happy to oblige: 1) I was thrilled to travel with my adult son. I’d go anywhere. 2) It would be fun to see Venice again after 50 years!

Lost in Venice
Venice in the ’60s on “Europe on $5-a-Day.”

The problem was, we didn’t have a plan for being separated…or a schedule for the day. Perhaps it was because we’re both solo travelers. When alone, we often “wing it.”

Discover Venice in 2 Days

Despite being lost from each other, we made good use of our time in Venice. Here is a video of the highlights inside the Peggy Guggenheim Museum.

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Doge’s Palace and a short slideshow from Pete’s point of view …

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Lost in Venice

Visit Murano and Burano

You could spend days lost in Venice. It’s all so enchanting. We only hit the highlights: the views, the canals, the churches, Saint Mark’s Square, and the Peggy Guggenheim Museum. That’s because we wanted to save some time to visit Murano and Burano. The colorful islands were only a short boat ride away. Boy, am I glad we did it? Definitely worth the trip!

Next post, we’ll go there!

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