barefoot blogger moving to france
Barefoot BloggeR

More Alike Than Different

Whether in the South of France or the South of the USA, we all love an art festival.

Dogwood Festival in Atlanta Georgia
Dogwood Festival in Atlanta Geo

Last weekend was the 79th Annual Dogwood Festival in Atlanta, Georgia. There, among thousands of art lovers and onlookers, I was struck by how much the event reminded me of a Saturday Market in France. Especially now that tourists must be arriving.


Imaginative and real-life paintings 

Pottery galore 

Strange and beautiful glass sculptures, flowers, and things made of wood 

Lots of favorite foods from the South and beyond

Like in France, funnel cakes are a crowd-pleaser.

… and “straight from France” …

There is entertainment for kids. 


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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!

… and ducks 


Body oils and scrubs with hot butter grits!??!

My favorite “best of the show” was a creation called “Fair Hair,” beautifully modeled below.

When I asked the young ladies and their parents if I could take their picture for a blog about France, they were thrilled.

“We’re going to be famous!” I heard them say as they walked away. 

So, now that you’ve spent the day seeing Atlanta’s take on art festivals, what do you think? Are we more alike? oOrDifferent? 



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