barefoot blogger moving to france
Barefoot BloggeR

A Quick Jump Across the Pond

Tomorrow, I’m heading for a quick visit to the States. It’s been ten months since I’ve seen my two grand babies, and it’s their birthday!

With a five-week trip away from Uzes ahead of me, the weekend was busy with packing and saying “goodbye” to friends. The Saturday Market and cafes in town were packed. It reminded me of the day I first visited the city four years ago. The weather is perfect, and spirits have lifted. Winter is over. Spring is here!

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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!

I’ll keep in touch while I’m away. Returning to family and friends in the US after such a long time will be interesting. When I return to France, there’s more fun ahead. Including a stopover in Paris and travel stories from the South of France. … stay tuned!

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