Arrival day for the Memories Tour was filled with excitement, anticipation, and busy last-minute preparations for a welcome to Nice for our 18 guests. Patricia Sands, tour co-leader, and I were anxious to put names and faces together.
Welcome to Nice!
Our hotel for the tour is the Beau Rivage. It is set at the entrance to the “old town.” Friendly, its location is perfect for tourists like us. Streets are filled with restaurants, shops, and beautiful architecture. The front of the hotel is just across the street from the Promenade and the Mediterranean. Truly “côte d’Azur.

“Welcome Cocktails” for our group was scheduled for 6pm. That gave us some time to scout the town before everyone arrived. Patricia took off to meet friends who live in Nice. I could enjoy individual time with my friend Cheryl, from Atlanta, who joined us this year. (Shout out to Lynn and Kathy, “old” friends on Memories Tour 2018.)

Sunday Flower Market

Welcome to Nice Everyone!

Ready to start the tour!
Tomorrow it’s all about Nice!