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Expat in France

5 Years an Expat in France

Picture of Deborah Bine
Deborah Bine

The Barefoot Blogger

5 Years an Expat in France…

Would you believe it? It’s been five years since I started my expat adventure in France. After all this time, I’m as excited as ever about being here. And not a bit trepidatious at what lies ahead.

Highlights: 5 Years as an Expat in France

Feeling at home

My little apartment that’s up 55 steps in a tower across from the Duchรฉ in Uzesย is just as charming as it was at first sight. I still love it. The fact that it is in the middle of all the activity in Uzรฉs is still a plus.

Expat in France

I love leaning out my window when I hear horses’ hooves clomping around the Place de Duchรฉ. Sometimes, a horse-drawn cart and driver care for the potted flowers in the square. Sometimes, it’s a coach filled with tourists visiting the town.

Expat in France

I will say, however, there’s a change in the works. It’s not a move from Uzรฉs but a bit of repositioning. A chance to get to know the town from a new perspective. Stay tuned…

Making friends

Living in France is a constant whirl of activities with lots of friends. Some friends are French; others are ex-pats, and some are “regulars” or part-time ex-pats who return year after year.

Expat in France

Initially, it wasn’t easy to make friends. Especially since I didn’t speak a word of French. Now that I’ve been here for a while, I’m recognized by locals, most kindly, as the “American who still doesn’t speak French.”

Travel, travel, and more travel

Living south of France is the best place to see the world. That’s probably not the truth, but it seems so. Coming from the US, where it can take 7 hours to travel from Beaufort, South Carolina, to Atlanta, Georgia, it’s incredible how you can get from one country to another in so little time. Easy access to travel by train simplifies things, too.

Beginning the “Memories Tour”

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Be prepared to fall in love with France all over again!

A new adventure started in 2018 — the first of the South of France Memories You Promised Yourself tour with my great friend and best-selling author, Patricia Sands. We started a tradition of yearly women’s tours organized by Nancy McGee of Absolutely Southern France, my partner in crime and tour planner extraordinaire from Sete. My first time leading a tour may not have ended as planned, but along the way, I met sixteen new friends I will hold close and in my heart forever. Tour plans for 2019 are ready for you to join. Stay tuned …

Facing my fears

What could be more frightening than a severe accident in a “foreign country?” Happily, I’m now acquainted with the French healthcare system. There could be no finer anywhere in the world.


expat in FranceWhile I’m aghast how 5 years have flown by, I’m equally amazed I’m still writing and loving The Barefoot Blogger

To tell you the truth, the “Barefoot Blogger” has taken on her own life. The person I write about now is an out-of-body extension of myself. As she fumbles through life and travels in and about France, it’s fantastic that she’s survived without more mishaps.

The best part about blogging is connecting with readers. Some visit Uzรจs and contact me to meet up. We’re like instant friends.

Loving France

Where can I possibly begin to express how much I’ve grown to love France. From early on, I confessed I had never imagined spending much time in France, much less living here.

Life in Uzรฉs over the past five years has been like living a dream. The longer I stay, the more I’m attached to the town’s rhythm and people. Coexisting with centuries-old architecture and ancient history has changed me.

Expat in France

Learning French

Indeed, you are weary of hearing how I’ve struggled to learn French. Please don’t count how many times I’ve said: “I’m turning a new leaf. I’m taking French lessons.”

Not to disappoint, I have a new plan in place for Expat Year #6. Stay tuned…

expat in France

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