New Friends Who Help Color My World
Thanksgiving has a new meaning to me this year. It’s not a holiday in France. Never mind, I’mThanksgiving has a new meaning to me this year. It’s not a holiday in France. Never mind, I’m making Thanksgiving my personal day to give thanks to Uzès friends who have come into my world this year.

How lucky I am to have them in my life!
Pictured in this photo gallery are just a few of the many people I have “run into” in 2013. You’ve read about them in the posts of Barefoot Blogger. Some are destined to be lifelong friends. Others will be acquaintances. Some “people in the crowd” allowed me to take their photographs. And others didn’t know they were in the sights of my lens.
Geoffrey is shown more than once. See if you can pick him out. His flamboyant style makes it hard to appreciate only one of his “many faces.”
Stay tuned … Thanksgiving in France … Live turkey … I will celebrate an American-style holiday dinner with my new friends in France tomorrow. It will be a Thanksgiving to remember, for sure. Yet it will bring back memories of all those Thanksgivings in the past.