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7 Great Ideas for An Awesome Autumn Weekend Around Uzes

 An autumn weekend around Uzès makes living in the south of France even more delightful for this expat. 

The tourists have left, or at least the crowds are gone. The weather is cool. The colors of nature and the man-made village walls, homes, and regal buildings are all shades of red and yellow against the autumn sky. Most noticeably, a calm in the air has been missing.

Since this is the Barefoot Blogger’s third Autumn in Uzès, I now know a few more people and places to roam. My world is expanding. However, I’ve discovered you don’t have to go very far away to enjoy familiar sights and experiences. But as you’ll see from the photos, it’s all very different in France. Come with me to spend a weekend around Uzes.


October is when many artists show off their latest works to the locals. In the nearby village of Cavillargues, town officials hosted an art exhibit — or vernissage — in the Mairie (town hall.) Andy Newman- one of my favorites who lives part-time in the U.S. and part-time in Cavillargues- was the center of attraction at this event. The village is less than an hour from Uzes, so it was a perfect start for weekend activities. (See the earlier post for more on Andy’s exhibit.)


Dinner in Uzes

After the vernissage with all its wine and apéros (snacks), a visit to the cozy Italian restaurant La Voglia in Uzes was a perfect choice for a late, casual dinner.


Vallée de l’Eure Festivities

In the valley park near Uzes, something is almost always going on. This weekend, the main event was “Envolée Céleste,” or “Heavenly Flight.” Twenty hot air balloons lifted off the valley floor to soar above the town and countryside. We watched the pre-flight setup from ground level, then climbed up a rocky, narrow path — filled with prickly bushes — to reach the highest viewpoint.  The sights along the way and at the top were amazing, even though it was an overcast day. Watch the video if you have 5 minutes and want to feel like you were there to see the huge balloons pop up behind the trees and hills around Uzes.


Saturday Dinner and Jazz at Au Petit Jardin

Friends gathered at the Au Petit Jardin for dinner and music to round out the balloon day events.  To top it all off? Caraxés: A new taste from France — spirits made with rum and aquavit.


Autumn Weekend Around Uzes
Le Zanelli’s in Uzes

Sunday Lunch at Le Zanella’s 

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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!

One of the best Italian restaurants in Uzes, in the opinion of many friends, is Le Zanelli’s. I confess this was my first visit, so I reserve my vote for a later time. A small salad was all I cared for after a large meal the night before. I will say it’s one of the prettiest restaurants in town. Indoor and outdoor seating makes the location ideal for a Sunday, rain or shine.


A car ride into the Cevennes

As a child in the Carolinas, we often went for a “ride” on Sunday afternoons. We’d visit friends and relatives or drive into a nearby town just to see what was happening. The habit is one I will pick up again now in France. So many interesting places are only a few hours away from Uzes.

A drive into the Cevennes sounded like a great idea, especially with the changing mountain foliage colors. So off we went in good ‘ol Lucy —  me, Paula, and Rich — and we picked up Geoffrey to add humor and guidance. After an hour or so on the winding road, we ran upon a market where the locals were selling apples and onions. It wasn’t long before we discovered a festival farther up the road. It’s too bad we hadn’t looked at an events calendar, or we would have made an earlier start. Next time! There’s a famous book to read about the area, too —  Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes by Robert Lewis Stevenson.


What a fantastic ride! Stops along the way to take pictures of the French countryside proved this was no ordinary “Sunday drive.”

Nosey me, I insisted we stop to peer into the yard and garden of a luxury château.


A Monday afternoon walk in the Garrigue. 

Depending upon how much time you have to spend in and around Uzes, try to find an opportunity to take off to explore by foot. Recently, I joined a “newcomer’s” group, AVF, and hiking is one of their popular activities. This walk, however, was with a leader of the AVF hiking group who was doing a “test” walk on an unfamiliar course before offering it to AVF. By the end of the afternoon, we’d traveled 8-10 kilometers along rocky trails, up and down large and small hills, in the garrigue (scrubland) area outside Uzes. Even where there were little more than short trees and sparse vegetation, the scenery was enchanting.  (For a beautiful review of the garrigue, read this article at The Good Life France.)

Back to Uzes

After a hectic weekend, there’s no place like home. For me, this is the way…

Autumn Weekend Around Uzes


Autumn Weekend Around Uzes

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