barefoot blogger moving to france
Barefoot BloggeR

Airport day

Continuing on my sentimental flashback to three years ago when my “life in France” adventure began. This day I realized my idea of blogging along the way was wrought with technical problems — the joys of traveling abroad had begun.

Procrastination is one of my biggest faults. Packing for this trip was no exception.

While I had the items in neat piles for weeks, I was still putting things in my suitcase and backpack Tuesday morning. (Hints for “what to pack” posting soon.)

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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!

Yesterday was airport day. My iPhone and tablet were put in accessible places to keep me occupied sending emails and blogging during the 5-hour wait in Newark. Little did I know that I’d have technical problems that kept me from connecting all day.

Now in Barcelona and ready to throw the laptop in the trash. Looks like I should have bought an iPad!

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