The Flood Aftermath
A flood in Uzès, which struck the south of France, damaged many towns and villages and caused significant damage to fragile buildings and roadways. In the center of historic Uzès, the biggest problem was water that leaked through walls, windows, and roofs. Villages below Uzès are also suffering from flood damage.
The flood event around Uzès was recorded with some amazing photography. Several photos were given to me by friends who asked me to share them with you.

South of France Flood
Around 60 towns in southern France were officially declared natural disaster sites. About 60 municipalities were included in the natural disaster area.

Do you remember the poultry farm outside Uzes? The one where Geoffrey and I picked up our Thanksgiving turkey last year?
Here it is, then…

Here it is now …

The birds “flew the coop.” Literally.

All is well.