barefoot blogger moving to france
Barefoot Blogger

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Picture of Deborah Bine
Deborah Bine

The Barefoot Blogger

Flooding in Uzès

The last few days have not been a lot of fun. Torrential rain has caused flooding in Uzès, and many nearby towns and villages have been brutally hit.

Right now, Uzes is under an orange alert.

MapFortunately, the city of Uzes is on a hill, so even though we are close to the epicenter of a significant storm, we have not been affected as much as others by the floods.

This is the fourth big storm in the region since mid-September, bringing more than two feet of rain. Montpelier had significant damage from the first deluge.

The flooding is blamed on a stagnant weather pattern over Scotland, Ireland, and the eastern Atlantic Ocean. It has caused more-than-normal amounts of moisture to flow into France.

Photos from some of the areas affected by this storm are pretty dramatic. Here are a few that I picked up from news sources and friends. 

My apartment

For me, the only damage in my apartment has been a bit of water — apparently from the windows in the guest room. The water must have seeped from under the windows into the electrical outlets. It caused a breaker switch to flip off — fortunately. Some overhead lights and other plugs in the apartment were affected, including where the refrigerator and internet are connected. As you can see, I “jerry-rigged” the fridge and internet with extension cords that connect to functioning outlets.Flooding in uzès


Electricians among you must be freaking out.

The problem has solved itself now. The electricity is back on, including the hot water tank!

Another storm is expected tomorrow, which may be the worst yet.

On the night of the most significant downpour, I went out to the terrace several times to sweep debris from a drain emptying water down the side of the building to the street below.

Today, in the sunshine, I cleaned the terrace floor with a scrub brush and swept away as much trash as possible. If the water accumulates again, it might creep under the sliding glass door of the guest room.

I’m sure the terrace hasn’t been this clean in years.

The Duché

One thing I noticed while cleaning the terrace is the flagpole at the Duche. The flag that flies on top of his tower indicates if the Duke is in town.

Apparently, the Duke’s not at home. I guess he’s left for higher ground …. perhaps to his apartment in Paris.


IMG_3534 The Palace of the Duchéwith no flag.


Saturday Market

Another coincidence of the stormy weather is that Saturday Market was nearly empty of vendors and shoppers. This day was different; the streets and cafes were generally mobbed.


Saturday Market in Uzes after the October flood Saturday Market in Uzes after the October flood


Saturday Market cafes were open but few customers after the October flood Saturday Market cafes were open, but few customers after the October flood.



A few shoppers wandered around the usually busy Saturday Market in Uzes A few shoppers wandered around the usually busy Saturday Market in Uzes.


Amazing photos

The skies have been putting on quite a show if anything good could be said about the stormy weather.

This photo was
This photo was “borrowed” from a local news source and shows one of the powerful lightning strikes during the storm.


A view of the street without Saturday Market crowds and vendors. A view of the street from my terrace shows the street packed with shoppers and vendors.





The view from my living room window just prior to the first rain event The view from my living room window just before the first rain event


If you note in the last photo, there are swarms of birds flying near the 11th-century Tour Fenestrelle (“Window Tower”). It may be only me who thinks this, but the birds always seem to know when there’s a significant change in the weather. Today, they are unusually silent.

Perhaps the birds are resting up for what is ahead….. stay tuned.




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