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House Hunters International TV Show Spotlights Uzès

House Hunters International is airing a show on HGTV featuring Uzès

House Hunters’ Uzès Spotlight

A few months ago, I received an email from Erin, a new reader of the Barefoot Blogger who lives in Birmingham, Alabama. She told me she discovered Uzès through my friend Ginny Blackwell’s website,  International Property Shares. She stumbled on the blog when she googled “Uzès” for more information. Now she’s leading House Hunters’ Uzès Spotlight!

“We have loved learning about Uzès through your blog and feel a special connection because you are from the southern US as well. We are also weak on our grasp of the French language,” Erin said in her note.

Since her first note, Erin and I have written back and forth about her visits to Uzès. Now she and her husband have decided to move here with their four children!

Here’s the promo for the show:

Erin and Stuart have a storied history in France; they got engaged in Paris and returned to be married. Now, the two of them have formed a large blended family with 4 children, and they’re hoping to own a piece of the country they’ve grown so fond of. Paris is a bit too crowded and busy, so they’ve opted for the peace and beauty of the south of France. They’re unsure what town to settle in but know they want enough space for the whole family. Erin would love to move into something turn-key right away, while Stuart is open to renovation and putting his own stamp on a property. Find out which sensibility prevails when House Hunters International tours the south of France.

At the time of the show’s airing, Erin hadn’t seen the video. I don’t know about you, but I will look for some of my favorite spots!

The entrance to the village 

House Hunters International
Fenestrelle Tower

The Fenestrelle Tower

Le Château “Duché”

The home of the Duke

Remains of the ancient wall

Remnants of the ancient wall
Remnants of the ancient wall

Place aux Herbes

Place aux Herbes
Place aux Herbes

Saturday Market

Saturday Market in Place aux Herbes
Saturday Market in Place aux Herbes

Lavender everywhere!

Lavender in the Uzes market
Lavender in the Uzes market


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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!
Terroirs Restaurant on the Place aux Herbes
Terroirs Restaurant on the Place aux Herbes

Passion Glaces

Passion Ice Cream on Place aux Herbes
Passion Glaces on Place aux Herbes

Uzes natives and tourists

Le Provencal 


Sidestreet in Uzes
Sidestreet in Uzes

Skyscapes that take your breath away!

Skyscape in Uzes France

Sky scape in Uzes France

Sky scape in Uzes France

Sky scape in Uzes France

Sky scape in Uzes France

Sky scape in Uzes France

Sky scape in Uzes France

Best wishes to Erin, Stuart, and the children on your new adventure in France!


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