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Barefoot BloggeR

Jersey Boys, The French Movie

There’s a movie theatre not too far from my apartment — the only one in town.

The French version of the “4 Hommes” was playing when I got there. The English version would be two hours later.

“What the heck,” says me to me. “I’ll watch the movie in French.”

Loved the theatre. It’s like one of the “art” theaters in the States, with food, drinks, and cafe seating in the lounge.

Movie Theatre in Uzes
Movie Theatre in Uzes

Loved the music.

Other than that, I might as well have been wearing earmuffs.

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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!

“Yes,  I still don’t speak French!”

Note: I hope you’re enjoying the Village Scenes. Would love your comments.


Deepak Chopra

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