barefoot blogger moving to france
Barefoot BloggeR

Me, Leave France? No Way!

Oh dear … it seems some friends of Barefoot Blogger think I may be leaving France.

Just the opposite!

Me and,  are here to stay.

I’m as dedicated to living in my little ivory tower in Uzes and to stories about life, travels, and adventures in France as ever!

Until I get kicked out of the country, for not learning French … or for some foolishness, I will always share with you.

(Speaking of which … did I tell you about the last fiasco? I’ll give you a hint. It had nothing to do with putting the wrong gas in “Lucy,” my red Citroen again, but it did have something to do with my trousseau clés.) 

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Be prepared to fall in love with France, all over again!

Stay tuned to — and visit the new sister site —, to follow the Barefoot Blogger’s fun and missteps when I venture outside France. Yes, two blogs to keep you and me busy traveling, learning, reading, writing, and dreaming about that great big world of ours out there.

Thank you so much for following and caring … and for keeping in touch!



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