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Saturday Market in Pézenas, France

Picture of Deborah Bine
Deborah Bine

The Barefoot Blogger

As you know by now, market day is my favorite time to visit new places in France.

Saturday Market in Pézenas

Saturday in Uzès is a hard act to follow. Saturday market in Pézenas isn’t far behind.

Saturday market in Pézenas

One of the “most beautiful towns” in Languedoc

Pézenas, considered one of the most beautiful towns in the Languedoc-Roussilon area of France, was once the political center of the États du Languedoc and the home of Parliament. The Hôtel des Consuls (Consuls’ Palace) stands on one of the main squares (Place Gambettat), surrounded by shoppers and tourists on market day.

Saturday market in Pézenas
Hôtel des Consuls (Consuls’ Palace) on Place Gambetta in Pézenas


Saturday market in Pézenas  Moliere in Pézenas

The French Ministry of Culture designated Pézenas a Protected Area (Secteur sauvegardé) because of its over thirty historical monuments, including a monument dedicated to the French playwright Moliere.

Moliere spent only a few days in Pézenas, where he put on several of his less critical theater works. Nevertheless, the town honors his contributions to the arts in France. I need to learn more about Moliere than I picked up from the movie “Mozart.” Moliere was depicted as far from a “nice guy.”

Marianne, a symbol of the French Republic

One of the more apparent monuments in the center of Pézenas is a fountain with the statue of Marianne — a familiar symbol of the French Republic. Marianne triumphantly holds the flag of France in her left hand and a bolt of lightning in her right hand. The lighting rod symbolizes human rights, “Droits de l’Homme.”

She stands atop a column that is surrounded by cherubs riding dolphins. On the column is inscribed with the motto of France: “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.” The statue in the Cours Jean-Jaurès. was molded in 1880. The fountain was built in 1887.

Saturday market in Pézenas
“Marianne,” a symbol of the French nation, standing in Pézenas


Architecture in Pézenas

During my short half-day stay in Pézenas, I was struck by the incredible architecture in the town. I understand most of the large buildings were hotels or homes. The French and other Europeans of long ago loved to stay or visit Pezenas because of its beauty, culture, and proximity to the Mediterranean. Many of the town’s structures qualify for the “Inventaire des Monuments Historiques” for their “porte à colonne et ponton” or “entrance with columns and carvings.”

Saturday market in Pézenas

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Saturday market in Pézenas
Doorway in Pézenas


Saturday market in Pézenas
Pézenas doorway


Mostly, I was blown away by the vaulted passageways. They are not uncommon in France, but here they seemed more colorful, friendly, and inviting.

Saturday market in Pézenas
Street scene on market day in Pézenas


Saturday market in Pézenas
Passageway in Pézenas

Saturday Market in Pézenas

Food and more

As a solo female traveler, one of the things I often judge about a place is how comfortable I feel having a meal alone. In Pézenas, the scenery around the eateries — especially those in the city squares — is enough to keep you company. Here’s my view at lunchtime that day.

The Plat Du Jour

Saturday market in Pézenas
Plat du Jour in Pézenas – Gratin de Fruits de Mer


Saturday market in Pézenas
Jeweler in Pezenas


After spending more time than I should have with the designer at a fabulous jewelry shop early in the day… here’s the welcoming sight waiting for me when I stopped in later for an afternoon refreshment.

 Pézenas is a MUST-GO-BACK TO! place. There’s so much more to see and do. Stay tuned for more …

Saturday market in Pézenas

One Response

  1. I did an overnight in Pézénas with my daughter years ago and loved it. It’s less than 2 hours from where I live — I need to get back!

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